Langham Essex Village Sign


Send us your objection email!
The Parish Council will be working hard within the rules of the Local Planning system to identify and utilise all available lines of evidence to prove that 900 homes is a totally unfair, disproportionate and illogical allocation within Colchester City Council's emerging Local Plan.

The local knowledge, opinions and wishes of existing residents are one strand of this evidence base, which needs to be recognised and taken account of by Colchester's Planning Department as they develop and finalise their Local Plan for the area.

The more residents that provide their personal reasoned views about Colchester's plans for Langham, the stronger the evidence base that the Parish Council can draw on in their negotiations with Colchester City Council regarding Langham's future,

The Langham900 campaign, hatched at the Feb 12th 2025 Langham Parish Council meeting, provides a vehicle for all residents to express their views. In the first week of the campaign, over 300 individual emails were sent by Langham residents. That is a great start, but the campaign's ultimate goal is to receive emails (or letters) from ALL of Langham's 900 or so current residents, to send a really powerful message that should not be ignored by Colchester's Planners.

Based on the first 272 emails received by 17th February, there was a 100% objection rate against Colchester's plans for Langham. Most of the emails received offered multiple reasons for objection. The stated reasons for objection fell into a number of fairly clearly defined categories, as shown in the summary chart below:
Link to Langham Community Centre website, North EssexLangham's monthly Community Coffee Morning in the Community Centre, North EssexLangham Film Nights - Community Cinema in North EssexLangham's annual 10k Race and 2k Fun Run, North Essex
Langham is a village and civil parish in the north east of Essex, England approximately 5 miles north of Colchester - close to junction 28 on the A12.