Langham Heritage Group
Pre-20th Century History
Social History in the 20th Century
The Oaks
Boxted Airfield (Station 150)
The 386th Bomb Group
The 354th Fighter Group
The 56th Fighter Group
Detachment "B", 65th Fighter Wing
They Lived in Langham
Sir Robert Balfour
Sir Laurence Merriam
Richard Mullens
Mary Edith Pechey
Max Plowman
John Constable
Millennium Projects
Showcase Gallery
Historic Gallery
Aerial Photos
2015 Archive
2014 Archive
2013 Archive
2012 Archive
2011 Archive
2010 Archive
2009 Archive
2008 Archive
2007 Archive
2006 Archive
2005 Archive
2004 Archive
2003 Archive
2002 Archive
2001 Archive
Community Shop
Community Centre
Recreation Ground
Shepherd and Dog Pub
Good Neighbours
Litter Pickers
Clubs & Groups
Useful Info
Local Transport
Local Medical Services
Rubbish & Recycling
Parish Newsletter
Parish Council
Hundred Lane's often become a ford in recent years
The quiet routeway of Hundred Lane in the snows
Looking over to Boxted from the far side (to us in Langham) of Black Brook
Looking back towards the stream from the Boxted side
Dedham High Street in Spring sunshine
Dedham Mill and the stylish village sign from the coach park entrance
The road to Stratford blocked for remedial work to land drainage after a series of incidents - mudslides, etc.
New growth outside 'Floral Dene' in Park Lane
Sunset over Dove House on the old airfield
The airfield memorial at dusk
The village sign at the corner of Park Lane and Wick Road
Moor Road (The Granary) on the best day of the year so far!
Broom and road paint combine to make the entry to village colourful
A resting boat and outhouse on Langham Lane. The rape crop is well advanced for the date
Square bales have made a comeback! From hundred Lane towards Chapel Road
The wheat is coming on
Thatching on School Road; a detail of the work
The Homestead School and 'Spencer's Piece' from Greyhound Hill
A field opening roughly blocked by soil on Birchwood Road
The play area and Langham Community Centre
Ploughed headland and stubble from Boxted Church Road, looking over towards Stoke by Nayland, which is due North at this point
A lowering sky, and square bales!, from Dedham Road
From Cage Lane, looking out over the footpath towards Black Brook
Hundred Lane and its woodland, looking back from the direction of Cage Lane, Boxted, end
From Sky Hall Hill in the morning light
A tranquil morning on the River Stour at Boxted Mill. Both the millrace and the mill building are all but obscured by the verdant foliage
Sheep graze between the willows next to the mill, on the Suffolk side
A stream pushes past nettles through the grove of cricket-bat willows. The incidence of this cultivation appears to be increasing in the locality, including by the Black Brook in Langham
Looking back towards Boxted Mill from Lower Farm
Looking towards Nayland over the Dedham Vale from Lower Farm, on Lower Farm Road, Boxted
Lower Farm from Church Street, Boxted
A potato harvester is turned for the next pass in Boxted. It appears to be an operation of very skilled co-ordination between the harvester driver and the accompanying tractor-drawn wagon, with the latter adjusting its position to load the trailer evenly. A gang of three, in the yellow awning, help sort out the lifted potatoes
Gridleys in Chapel Road
Despite the August heat wave, gardens still look very good! (Squirrel's Nook)
The theme of this year's Fly-In was the Air-Sea Rescue work done from Boxted. Essentially this comprised of a number of war-weary P-47's scouring the North Sea for downed aircrew, staying with them to protect them from enemy attack, or rescue, until our own rescue aircraft, or launches, arrived. The fine model to the left illustrates one of these aircraft
A line of tents, with displays and services was constantly humming with activity
A brief, but poignant, display came from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Dakota
The control van on the flight line
The star resident was undoubtedly the Antonov AN-2 biplane
The Antonov is bedded down for the night, after the visitors have gone home, with the old runway light holders in the foreground
A close-up of the cockpit area. Visitors were encouraged to look over the aircraft, appreciate it exceptional carrying capacity, as help keep it flying!
Two views of the L-4 Piper Grasshopper, a favourite of mine and a regular visitor to air shows in these parts
The theme of the show, that of the Boxted air-sea rescue flight, was displayed by this model illustrated map inside the history tent
The flying was not all full-scale, and the exploits of the display team with, amongst others, their B-17 and B-24 was exceptional. The B-24 did a nose-in on landing on Saturday, so was unavailable on the Sunday ... its collapsed nosewheel resting until repairs could be effected
The fire brigade responded promptly and extinguished the stubble fire, caused when a glider-towing aircraft dragged its cable across the electric lines, which then fell to ground sparking .. hence the fire
The Antonov creates a mighty windstorm, blowing chaff through the hedge and on to Park Lane beyond!
A visiting light aircraft lands through the smoke. The proximity to the electric wires can be seen, but there were no problems with this before or after the incident
A Soviet T-34/85 tank commands the airfield; this was a most welcome guest on display
A goodly number of beautifully-restored military vehicles were on show and paraded along the main runway daily
The Recreation Ground as seen from the public footpath
A view of the new tennis courts
Workers putting in the latest length of footpath outside the community centre - a godsend and long overdue in this narrow and busy road, with heavy pedestrian traffic as well, particularly of schoolchildren
Langham is a village and civil parish in the north east of Essex, England approximately 5 miles north of Colchester - close to junction 28 on the A12.