Langham Heritage Group
Pre-20th Century History
Social History in the 20th Century
The Oaks
Boxted Airfield (Station 150)
The 386th Bomb Group
The 354th Fighter Group
The 56th Fighter Group
Detachment "B", 65th Fighter Wing
They Lived in Langham
Sir Robert Balfour
Sir Laurence Merriam
Richard Mullens
Mary Edith Pechey
Max Plowman
John Constable
Millennium Projects
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Historic Gallery
Aerial Photos
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2004 Archive
2003 Archive
2002 Archive
2001 Archive
Community Shop
Community Centre
Recreation Ground
Shepherd and Dog Pub
Good Neighbours
Litter Pickers
Clubs & Groups
Useful Info
Local Transport
Local Medical Services
Rubbish & Recycling
Parish Newsletter
Parish Council
Work at Flakt Woods has started
Leading to an unsightly proliferation of signs!
Moor Road/Chapel Road
Chaplin's Farmhouse from Moor Road
Park Lane/Moor Road
Bumblebee Cottage from Moor Road
The Fens from High Street
The Recreation Ground from the shop
The new shop in the snow!
School Road, outside the Community Hall
Moor Road
The Shepherd and Dog
A Vulture in the snow!
Whitehouse Close, off High Street
High Street and Chapel Road
Hundred Lane
Low water at Mistley Quay
The swans gather for their morning feed at Mistley Quay
Mistley Quay looking over to Brantham Church
Three scenes from the airfield, and its car boot sale in the snow...!
Coming home from a hospital appointment, this was the scene that greeted me on joining the A14 at Nacton. It appears lorries found the gradient on to the Orwell Bridge too much for a time.
A spring scene of white blossom shot from High Street, Langham
The daffodils grace the green at Park Lane/Moor Road
Outside Carter's Vineyard at Boxted, a tractor is busy drilling
The A134 at Great Horkesley ...
.. looking towards the church and the proposed site for a large Constable centre
Dedham, coming in from Lamb Corner
The turn-off into Langham from the A12 south has been resurfaced .. but right on the critical bend ....
Newly-emerging oak leaves at home in the garden
... we have been treated to white dragon's teeth, with low adhesion and adding to the danger of this poorly-designed junction!
The embryo Flakt Woods building, from the footpath to its western side
A zoom-in reveals the great bulk of the steel skeleton
On the same walk, the new estates of Colchester can be seen from across the Rugby ground
The oak outside 'Tallats', in Moor Road, in Spring foliage
Looking over the fields from Greyhound Hill to Spencer's Piece and the Homestead School
A new hedge in the making at Lyme Cottage, Blacksmith's Corner
A new solar energy installation at Wenlock Cottage in Chapel Road
The units are Swiss and very highly efficient ... with a payback time reputedly as low as 8 years!
The new hall for the primary school is now coming along, after a seemingly interminably-long period of footings and foundations. The steelwork went in and now the bricking in is well under way
The new industrial site from the bridge over the A12; the footpath along the side of the site is accessed by the end of the bridge ... but is an uncomfortable walk!
The new entrance to the industrial estate from the corner of Severalls Lane and Mill Road
The steelwork advanced towards the entrance over a couple of weeks
PT13D Stearman Owned and operated by Maurice Hammond, based at Airfield Farm Hardwick Norfolk
A general look down the public area
A beautifully-presented black Tiger Moth - 'The Sorcerer'
A Vickers .303 machine-gun, in a typical defensive position
A T-6 Texan, or Harvard in British service, parked up in front of the apple boxes!
The U.S. DUKW amphibious vehicle leads this group in the parade
A pair of microlights wait for their owners to take them home. When they did there was much helmeting-up and donning protective clothing
Dedham High Street looking very busy
The fair comes to town - on Cymbeline Meadows and several balmy September evenings. The fireworks were especially impressive!
The village sign on the triangle of green between Wick Road and Park Lane
The signage next to the village sign on the Park Lane/Wick Road green is useful and flexible
A shaded exit from the village envelope on Park Lane
The problem of dumping rubbish, burning out cars and general mayhem in Hundred Lane
Another shot of equine land-use - in School Road
Wick Road with the cars and wirescape criticised in a previous village survey
The dog bin appears to have been used for other purposes, but even if not the whole idea is somewhat graceless on this pleasant green area
The footpath sign off Park Lane, across to the A12, and not particularly noticeable
'Alefounders' in Park Lane is a delight in shade
Moor Road
Peeking into 'Corner House' in Moor Road
Footpath and track entrance off Park Lane
Looking down Park Lane towards 'Mantons'
Across the fields towards the old pack house
A fuller shot of Park Lane and 'Mantons'
Looking in towards 'Langham Oak Cottage'
The archway view marks leaving the village in Park Lane
The produce stall (including grapes!) in Park Lane
Graffiti on the waste bin at the village sign green
The A12 exit view - from idyll to Grand Prix!
The reverse of the exit view - where even the houses are hidden by summer foliage
Leafy thatched view of Wick Road
New builds on Wick Road with garages to the fore
Beautifully tended garden on Wick Road
Three views near the junction with Birchfield Road. This is a very busy junction (by Langham standards) and the narrowing of the road in Wick Road (third photo) is one of two cases of a designed-in hazards - the other being the road narrowing outside Spencer's Piece
Wick Road again, with a variety of street furniture and roadside environments
Attractive gardens and a pavement separated from the road by greensward
The ditch in School Road is crossed by railway sleepers; its usually dry nature has led to its colonisation by a variety of flowering plants
St Margaret's Cross, with old and new signs
A bit of a graveyard behind Langford Hall on Grove Hill
The extended and refurbished bungalow opposite the Primary School
'Scarf in a Skip' outside Whitnall's in School Road
A hive of activity at the stables off School Road
The entrance to the Community Wood from the footpath from School Road
The rear of the houses at Spencer's Piece, from the footpath to the Community Wood
The Hornestreet entrance to the Community Wood
The evolving pond at the Hornestreet conservation site
More views of the pond area and a general view of the wood to the north. As the trees are so young the whole feel of the field is still very open and light
Shepherd and Dog Inn at Blacksmith's Corner
View into Moor Road from Blacksmith's Corner
Lyme Cottage
Up and down Moor Road, still rather bleak where there are no mature trees
Recent infill to the village envelope on Moor Road
Mushrooms at 'Tallats'
Ripened grapes at 'The Granary'
Massive apples
My very own mushroom!
The 'Shepherd and Dog'
The junction of Park Lane and Moor Road
Horse stabling and grazing off School Road
Looking up and down Old Mill Road
Old Mill House
As Old Mill Road crosses Black Brook there are cricket-bat willows planted both sides of the road
Just down from 'The Fens' off Old Mill Road
Towards the new dualled road, with Mersey Homes on the left
At Runkins Corner horses are kept for recreation and a show-jumping circuit has been set up. A map plot of 'horseyculture' in the area might be instructive
The new roundabout nears completion after an interminable gestation period
This is part of Langham! A sliver of land that has been separated off from the rest of the parish by the A12
'Cherry Tree Cottage' and 'Floral Dene' at the Moor Road end of Park Lane
A frosty morning's view over the airfield
Old runway lights at the airfield entrance
Several rows of fruit line the airfield hedge
Piled up packing cases from the days of the orchards
Packing cases looking towards Severalls Lane
The curse of the burned-out cars lives on
The view of the paddock from the entrance to the airfield in Park Lane
The paddock next to 'Appleby' in Park Lane
A new landscape of horse fencing on the airfield
The massive construction of the Flakt Woods factory on the skyline - as seen from the airfield
Langham is a village and civil parish in the north east of Essex, England approximately 5 miles north of Colchester - close to junction 28 on the A12.