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Airfield Memorial Unveiling
The business park at Dove House is rapidly moving to completion, with the finishing touches going in - such as turfing the verge outside and now working on the roadway and car parking
The Airfield Group have started work on the area for their new museum, putting in new gates and clearing the land for the Nissen Hut. A small car park will be available for visitors
New hedging and a new build, on the site of 'Barnfield' in the corner of Wick Road and Park Lane, and one of seven sites put forward for development by owners
The Flakt Woods site is getting a new neighbour, by the look of the steelwork
A reminder of what the whole area once was ... but is now in danger of being obliterated by, of all things, flats on the outskirts of the town...
A churned up mess will become a residential development with a block of flats .. that will be visible from properties on Langham Lane, and Lodge Lane of course
On a lighter note, the warning sign, using children's posters, is a hoot!
We are becoming eco-friendly - but this aero-generator on the Severalls industrial estate has been pointing the same way for some time!
The flooding this year has been limited, but does illustrate the role and shape of the flood plain
Here you can detect the levee slope of the River Stour, a bank of slightly higher land, built up by the river overflowing
Contrasts in Langham; a pair of lorries getting tied up in School Road (and uncomfortably near the school and the new war memorial) and...
'Serenity' in High Street ... being serene!
New hedge plantings off Park Lane, and behind the properties in Moor Road, represent a promise by the owner to provide such a screen when the houses were offered land for garden extensions
The village sign at a quiet time of day
Footpath 49 has become overgrown with young withies blocking the route; now cleared away and providing a delightful short-cut to Birchfield Road. A rail for the bridge, which gets slippery in the wet, is in the offing
A trio of pieces of land offered for consideration by the Colchester's Local Development Forum (LDF) - the land in the crook of the corner between Wick Road and Park Lane
A trio of pieces of land offered for consideration by the Colchester's Local Development Forum (LDF) - the newly-created paddock between Whitnell's industrial site and St Margaret's Cross
A trio of pieces of land offered for consideration by the Colchester's Local Development Forum (LDF) - the field between the Community Centre and Whitnell's. The first three areas proposed were behind St Margaret's Cross, industrial land to the west of Gun Hill (and already having a similar use) and virtually the whole of the triangle (Chapel Road, Moor Road and High Street) not already built over!
In addition the land behind Wick Road, and opening onto Park Lane, is proposed as a Park-and-Ride to complete the second group of proposals. Above are photos of the opening into this land, and exit onto Park Lane. The proposals would have a new entrance to Langham, off the field, to the south. From the north the Birchfield flyover would be pressed into action. In the centre is a part of the field already sols off for garden, and now planted for hedging. These offers of land for development are merely proposal, not yet studied by the planners, yet alone endorsed by them. However, the mere fact they are being asked for is a speed-up of the strategic planning process, so vigilance is the order of the day!
In addition the land behind Wick Road, and opening onto Park Lane, is proposed as a Park-and-Ride to complete the second group of proposals. Above are photos of the opening into this land, and exit onto Park Lane. The proposals would have a new entrance to Langham, off the field, to the south. From the north the Birchfield flyover would be pressed into action. In the centre is a part of the field already sols off for garden, and now planted for hedging. These offers of land for development are merely proposal, not yet studied by the planners, yet alone endorsed by them. However, the mere fact they are being asked for is a speed-up of the strategic planning process, so vigilance is the order of the day!
In addition the land behind Wick Road, and opening onto Park Lane, is proposed as a Park-and-Ride to complete the second group of proposals. Above are photos of the opening into this land, and exit onto Park Lane. The proposals would have a new entrance to Langham, off the field, to the south. From the north the Birchfield flyover would be pressed into action. In the centre is a part of the field already sols off for garden, and now planted for hedging. These offers of land for development are merely proposal, not yet studied by the planners, yet alone endorsed by them. However, the mere fact they are being asked for is a speed-up of the strategic planning process, so vigilance is the order of the day!
Spring daffodils illuminate the village sign
The Butterfly Hotel, and the uppermost part of the Ardleigh Reservoir, with the A12 running to its North West, and the site of the new business park to its right
The White House Farm site, like the hotel next door, is inside the Langham Parish boundary, and is being developed as a small business park, based upon a converted barn theme. So now Langham will have three business parks, all looking like converted barns!
The fine new Parish Council notice board, in the corner of the Recreation Ground, will soon be joined by a new gate, in similar materials. The old metal gate is rusting along its bottom side
An impromptu bike-jump in the field
More diversions being 'planted' in the play area; in this case it is a 'Postman Pat' van
The Millennium Garden has matured nicely, and is a credit to its carers
The Airfield monument looks superb, dressed for Remembrance Sunday; it will soon be a worksite, as the new wall, complete with squadron plaques, will be built around the present plinth. There will be new flagpoles and the rest of the site will be given a makeover!
In weather that varied from sunny to dour, above, and even hail and sleet squally, the monument wall take shape. Here the foundations are ready for the bricklayers, after drilling through the concrete ... and very tough compacted sand!
The wall covered up from the glacial weather the day before, centre, and the bricklayers working with some concentration; Andrew Mower here
The wall covered up from the glacial weather the day before, centre, and the bricklayers working with some concentration; Shaun Dale here
The mass of the wall is now evident, as is the fact that it is double-skinned and has, built-in, the niches for the squadron plaques that are, I understand, really something special!
The Airfield Memorial has acquired coping stones for its brickwork, and the flagpoles have been installed
During atrocious weather (snow, hail, rain and lots of wind) the work went on, digging out the concrete for the new paved area
The area of paving has been extended, and the paving replaced by attractive flags. The surrounds are now of superior stone, with a dropped kerb for wheelchair access
Airfield Memorial Unveiling
Airfield Memorial Unveiling April 19 2008
Choice of views towards Stratford St Mary Church from the Dedham Road - on the way to work!
A new gate has been installed on Footpath , as it leaves Langham Lane to angle across the airfield
A new seat has been placed near to the Wick Road bus stop
Footpath 33 has been freshly mown
Construction work on the Business Park buildings at Park Farm
Fly-In July 5 2008: the organisation and barbeque tent was the hub for the day's activities
Amidst the growing crops the airstrip had been cut the day before and was marked out with identification letters
Time to go home! After popping in for the morning, the crew of the Slingsby T.67M-260 Firefly depart
The Jodel D117 arrives
You would never imagine the day began with dark cloud and scudding rain!
With some memorabilia and books, the Airfield Group have been advertising their drive to accumulate funds to complete the museum on the airfield site ... that will have access from Langham Lane half a mile to the south of its junction with Park Lane. Note how the RAF flag is being bent by the wind!
Chris Stanfield and Robin Gooding enjoying the sunshine, as was the author when not taking photos!
The Piper J3C-65 Cub posing as the L-4 Grasshopper, object of affection!
The author about to photograph the loved one ... again! Thanks to Chris Stanfield for the photo!
Details of the aircraft for modellers!
Cessna C-150 Aerobat
Vans RV-6
The Aeronca Super Chief
The superlative Luscombe Silvaire, immaculately finished in gloss cream and brown and the most elegant of the inter-war high-wing tourers
Organiser Peter Wenzac looking very pleased with himself as the raffle winners are announced!
The Community facilities on School Road
Just over the border, in Boxted, a stretch of footpath popular with residents from both villages has had a makeover, as the land has been put down, as far as I can see from the railings, to horses! This should make walking easier, although the 'bog' in the wood section is still problematical!
A lovely job of thatching on Simon Gallup's house in School Road
The harvest coming in as seen from High Street. I could watch it all day, but the modern combines and their helpers would be long gone after a couple of hours!
Bales fo straw dot the farming landscape...
... as do swarms of rabbits coming out to enjoy the evening sunshine in the field opposite!
Although by no means a fan of graffiti on the road, the skill by which these roundels were laid down was impressive. Only outlined by a template, the final product is very much down to individual skill
'Discovery' apples on the original tree at 'Munson's', left
My first success with the petrol strimmer, right, - Footpath 49 tidied up!
Two business parks are under construction in Langham in the last months of 2008, on Park Lane and here, opposite the 'Crown' pub near the interchange of the same name. This sliver of Langham is beyond the A12, but also contains the Ramada Hotel, part of Ardleigh Reservoir ... and Footpath 50!
From Old Mill Road the woodland flanking Black Brook always looks good through dappled sunshine and with autumnal tints. Both sides of the road have stands of cricket-bat Willow
Cricket bat willow
Hedge-trimming along by Dedham Road
Across the fields towards the Dedham Road
Martin's Farm Barn on the Dedham Road
Docura's Farm
St Mary's Church, Langham
The view over the Dedham Vale from Church Farm must be one of the finest in the valley
Bonfire Night was drenched with rain throughout the hours before and during the event. Some photos of the stalwarts who manned the stalls and the Majorettes gallantly performed for ages inside the hall to keep people entertained!
A walk to Park Lane on a fine morning produced a variety of images, from the green to David Isted waving a greeting from his tractor!
Park Lane
The old airfield perimeter track behind Moor Road
School Road
The Recreation Ground
Langham Community Centre
The damp remains of the bonfire on the way to Footpath 35
View towards the industrial area
Footpath 35 scenes back towards School Road across the Recreation Ground.
The Millennium Garden looking attractive in low, winter light
The shop proclaims new times for the fishmonger!
A delivery of logs in School Road
The Victorian post box at St Margaret's Cross enjoys some winter sunshine
Pungford Cottages in Perry Lane
Perry Lane has open views across fields to the north, but also attractive tree-lined areas
Park Lane, joining Wick Road
The signs at Langham Oak Cottage, right, ask motorists to slow down
The industrial area from Park Lane
Gridleys in Chapel Road
Wenlock Cottage on Chapel Road
The new planting off High Street
The junction of High Street with Chapel Road and Old Mill Road
Wintry scenes at the 'Shepherd and Dog'
The new planting of hedging material as seen from the crossroads at the 'Shepherd and Dog'
Langham is a village and civil parish in the north east of Essex, England approximately 5 miles north of Colchester - close to junction 28 on the A12.